3mg Melatonin 5mg Melatonin 10mg Melatonin
  • Considered a low to moderate dose.
  • Suitable for individuals with mild sleep disturbances or those looking to enhance general sleep quality.
  • A moderate amount of melatonin.
  • Suitable for individuals with moderate sleep issues or those who have found lower doses insufficient.
  • Considered a higher concentration of melatonin.
  • Reserved for individuals with more severe sleep disorders or under the guidance of a healthcare professional.
Sensitivity Factor
  • Ideal for individuals who are sensitive to medications or supplements.
  • Good starting point for assessing individual response to melatonin.
Initial Consideration
  • Often the starting point for those new to melatonin supplementation.
  • Suitable for assessing individual response before considering higher doses.
Specific Conditions
  • Used when lower doses have proven ineffective.
  • Requires careful monitoring for side effects and consultation with a healthcare provider.
Incremental Adjustment
  • If initial dose is not effective, consider gradual increments based on individual needs.
  • Common progression may involve moving to 5mg if needed.
Adjustment and Monitoring
  • If 5mg is insufficient, consider gradual increases, such as moving to 6mg or 10mg.
  • Monitor for side effects and adjust accordingly.

General Considerations for All Dosages:

1. Individual Variation

  • Responses to melatonin vary, so individual needs should guide dosage choices.
  • Gradual adjustment is key to finding the most effective dose.

2. Professional Guidance

  • Consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have health conditions, are taking medications, or are pregnant.
  • Regularly reassess and adjust dosage based on professional advice.

3. Short-Term vs. Long-Term

  • Consider the intended duration of use.
  • Lower doses are often suitable for long-term use, while higher doses may be used for short-term needs.

4. Consistency in Timing

  • Regardless of dosage, consistency in the timing of melatonin supplementation is crucial for optimal results.